December 10, 2012

Zona Futuristic Collaboration Work

Zona Futuristik is my first collaboration exhibition with Agra Locita, she's a photographer and she's my best friend. She lives next door to my house, we have a lot of common, we are Javanese but born and raised in Jakarta, we are alienated, we loves Psi-Fiction movies, we share and discuss a lot of things about future, we imagine how the future will be, how's the architecture, how is the culture and how is the influence of modernization in postmodern city. Agra's photographs exposing, lines, patterns and colors of fragmented urban architectural and public space, and me as painter response it with my color, brushes and beads collage, and the result is voila.. a creative dialogue between a photographer and a painter. this is our experiment, exploration and our playing zone this is our futuristic zone.

Title: Multitasking Commander,  Size: 100x140Cm,
 Medium: Digital Print, Acrylic & Beads Collage on Loosterdoff

Title: Clubbers Planet, Size: 100x50Cm
 Medium: Digital Print, Acrylic & Beads Collage on Loosterdoff,

Title: Subterranean Homesick Alien,  Size: 100x50Cm
 Medium: Digital Print, Acrylic & Beads Collage on Loosterdoff

Title: Metropole Sighting,  Size: 70x60Cm
 Medium: Digital Print, Acrylic & Beads Collage on Loosterdoff

Title: Alien Playground,  Size: 100x140Cm
 Medium: Digital Print, Acrylic & Beads Collage on Loosterdoff

The Period of Extraterrestrial (2012)

In the beginning of 2012 i realize that all this time the figure of alien was always appear on some of my work,  i remember mid-2011 i plan to make an alien costume for "sehari boleh gila" day at PPS ISI Yogyakarta, but ultimately failed because I was too idealistic, I tried to sew it by my own and it doesn't fit me so i wear santa claus costume, and i remember that on the period of cultural confusion i create one painting that describe a metamorphosis of Javanese woman into modern woman into alien, to be honest i don't like the visual result but i like the way i explain myself through this figure. And i remember one night on 1985 on petukangan, Jakarta Selatan when i was a child me and my sister saw something amazing in front of our yard, we saw two small robots with colorful blinking lights outside of our window and we still remember it untill now. Some people say that we were dreaming, we were imagining too much, but what we see is what we believe. Well i don't want to force people with what we believe, what i know since that time the figure of alien and ufo became important to us and it inspire me in many of my work. not in the context alien as an alien but it more personal. i choose alien as my cultural identity conflict as an urban people. i don't know why i feel free to express myself with this figure, i feel it so me and i don't care anymore if people thinks i'm crazy or delusional, the most important thing is that i become more honest with my work. i become more playful, i just want people to enjoy my work with any interpretation they can think of. So here i am standing on my extraordinary territory, extraterrestrial. that's all for now.. to be continued..

Title: Lost in Jakartunus, Medium : Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size: 150x100cm, 2012

Title: Te Las Dahar, Medium : Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size: 100x150cm, 2012

Title: Lost Alienated Bride, Medium : Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size: 90x35cm, 2012

Title: Hibernation, Medium : Acrylic, Beads Collage & LED Lights on Canvas, Size:140x140cm, 2012

Title: Levitation Tree, Medium : Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size: 140x140x140cm, 2012

Title: Lost Alienated Groom, Medium : Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size: 90x35cm, 2012

Title:Sceptical-Galactical, Medium : Acrylic, Beads Collage & LED Lights on Canvas, Size: 140x140cm, 2012

Title: Specimen Genus Java, Medium : Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size:70x60cm, 2012

December 09, 2012

The period of cultural confusion (2011-2012)

At the end of 2010 is the beginning of re-inventing myself, mid-2011 I get a chance to go to Yogyakarta, according to my parents it was the place where my ancestor (from my mom) came from. it was a great opportunity for me to continue my masters studies in ISI Yogyakarta, at the same time it's an opportunity to find answers about my cultural confusion. i remember on my period of womanhood conception, i make one painting that question about my Javanese cultural heritage, i was confuse of who i am, as a person with Javanese bloodline why i don't understand about Java at all, about Javanese woman, Javanese patriarchy concept, Philosophy, etc. So then on 2011-2012 i make 3 works that represented my question about culture itself, and the conclusion that i got is that i am standing nowhere surpass from Java and modern culture, i realize that i am alienated, i am alien.

Title: In Search Of Java, Medium: Oil & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size: 100x150cm, 2011

Title: Urbanillusion, Medium: Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size: 100x150cm, 2011

Title: Cultural Mutation, Medium Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size:100x150cm, 2012

The Period of Hibernation (2008-2010)

This period of time is very frustrating and depressing, I lost a lot of time just to live the demands of urban life, I turned into metropolis robots whose lives are ruled by time and money, I really missed the smell of wet paint and the texture of the canvas, I miss wild ideas filled my head. I miss the process of nurturing ideas and creating artwork. So these days of darkness, I was not human, i was alienated from humanity, people are just too busy looking for money, they look very individualistic, even friends look like stranger to me. in the end of 2010 finally i make only one work, my process of finding the lost fragment between spaces at least give me one thing, a contemplation of finding myself in the metropolitan city. That's why i make this painting. I feel there's an empty spaces between the last time i create my work and it  feels like loosing a chain of my own melody of life.

Title: Unchained Melody, Medium: Acrylic & Beads collage on canvas, Year: 2010

The Period of Womanhood Conception (2006-2008)

When I am fighting for the conception of womanhood, i believe in equality between man & woman, i fight for it and i expressed it through my work but then i realize that some woman feels comfortable with their subordinate position, some woman thinks that silence is a power to control, some woman thinks their double burden as domestic housewife is a form of their dedication to their family. Well, maybe that makes them happy. I cannot blame them for their comprehension, we can fight and try to stand for other woman but then in the end we choose our own path, we free to decide. So then I understand that there is equality when we can put ourselves in that position. My understanding led me to a conclusion, I am not the right person to raise the issue of discrimination, because I feel that discrimination does not happen to me. What i have to do is to convince the marginalized women to fight for their rights, and put ourselves on the same level with others. My work from 2006-2008 mostly talking about womanhood conception using symbolic metaphor, the medium i use is acrylic and beads collage on canvas, my brush stroke was influenced by traditional pangosekan Balinese painting style, i combine it with sparkling beads collage and soft spray of airbrush techniques.

Title: Journey of The Golden Crown, Size: 60x80cm, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Year: 2006
I paint this, when i am in the mood of being romantic, LOL

Title: Once Upon a Dream, Size: 40x70cm Medium: Oil on Canvas, Year:2007
I paint this when i feel depress with my own nightmares and fears
during my study on an art department in one of a state university in Jakarta (UNJ)

Title: Mother Complicated,  Size: 150x100cm Medium: Oil on Canvas, Year: 2007
This oval rattan framed painting tell us about the fact that woman
who lives in a patriarchal culture, they have to deal with double burden problems,
as a Java's woman i have to admit that condition is still exist for several woman in my country.
Title: Freedom of Mine, Size:100x40cm, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Year:2007
Nothing can boxed me, i am a free

Title: Temptation of the Adams, Size: 60x80cm, Medium: Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, 2007
Man mostly attracted to physical beauties of woman, and woman doesn't much different with man
woman also attracted to the beauties of man. So beauty wasn't belong to woman's only

Title: Moneygamy, Size:70x90cm, Medium: Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, 2007
 Polygamy man knows how to fish materialistic woman with their money.
Of course, money can't buy love---without cheapening it, LOL

Title: The Matchmaker, Size:70x90, Medium: Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, 2008
Unity in Diversity, Pancasila brings equality in any context
Title: Girl Talks, Size: 40x70cm, Medium: Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, 2008
 Lipstick, shoes, cooking, make up, jewelery.. gah, girl talks..
 wait!!! who said so?? why can that be so girly.. who labeled it anyway..
Title: Marketing in Venus, Size:70x90cm, Medium: Acrylic & Beads Collage on Canvas, 2008
 Woman considered as the biggest shopping spender,
we have no idea how many variety of product that have been produced for them.
Title: Grass Roots, Medium: Oil & Beads Collage on Canvas, Size: 80x50cm, Year: 2008
 when a woman treated as minority and bonded by the roots of patriarchy.
Title: Am i Javanese?, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 80x90cm, 2008
 Java is my legacy, but living in big city fading my memory of what my culture is.
I just can't understand the concept of Java's philosophy & patriarchy
I cannot understand my own culture, am i Javanese? i doubt that now